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Busby International, Inc. manufactured two rotor pole lifting and turning devices for an after tax cost of $17,809.97. This amount was paid to them after the delivery of the devices to the Hydro Warehouse located at Wanapum Dam on Friday, February 12, 2016.


After attempting to use the original device, it was found that modifications needed to be made in order to use the device. A change order to the purchase order was approved on Monday, February 29, 2016. This change order was quoted at $1,705.00.


The total cost of two lifting and turning devices came to $19,649.67. This does not include the labor paid for testing the devices.


Proposed schedule


The Gantt chart that was created for this project will act as a guideline for the class. It shows that this proposal is due on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, that the device is to be built by Wednesday March 9, 2016 and that the testing report be completed by Wednesday June 1, 2016.


This Gantt chart shows that it should take a total of 210 hours to complete this project. The actual amount of time spent on the project was 271 hours.


Note: Below are images of the bill for the construction of the device and a Gantt chart schedule used for the project.


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